Lean Manufacturing Tools Specialization

$ 650.00

(Price inclusive of 90 day access, Completion certificate & course handout)


SKU: AME 0202 Category:



The Lean Manufacturing Tools Specialization series is  a multi-course BUNDLED series designed to give an introductory and intermediate level of familiarization on Lean manufacturing which is based on principles of the Toyota Production System.

Lean manufacturing principles are an integral part of any process. It is widely applicable to any manufacturing process – be it for an automobile, auto component, industrial product, hardware part like from nuts or bolts, pharmaceutical product – just about everything that has processes.

Lean manufacturing is an extremely powerful tool when used along with the Six Sigma methodology, hence a thorough understanding of the basic underlying principles serves as an invaluable foundation.

The course is designed as a very powerful pedagogic package interspersed with videos so that all related principles are captured as very important learning.

An understanding of the principles is essential for all – both in management and technical workforce.


On completion of this series, the user will have a good knowledge of

  • 5S – which is  largely confused as a housekeeping methodology; the course will explain why it is very crucial to make problems visible
  • wastes associated in manufacturing
  • principles of visual management such as ANDON which focus attention on problem areas
  • several examples of POKAYOKE used for embedding the principle of mistake proofing into the process and aimed to not make defective parts and pass
  • intelligently designed features of machines that can detect errors and stop autonomously
  • Single Minute Exchange of Dies – SMED – related to changeover / converting a line or machine from running one product to another which permits to reduce time of manufacturing
  • Just In Time (JIT) principle of pull systems to avoid overproduction

After this course, the participant can appreciate any course on TPS or lean manufacturing which are at intermediate or advanced levels.

ALL of our courses in this series is developed based on decades of front-line industry experience of the instructor. 


Anyone who is involved with any process, be it manufacturing or transactional. Several TPS principles can be applied in any context. It is uniformly applicable across any function. This course is equally important to any operator or management staff, , especially a new employee

You might also want to consider  to take the course on Six Sigma Specialization along with this course.


This is a Bundled Specialization course that gives discounted access to ALL SIX of the following courses INCLUDING a BONUS course on Lean Manufacturing Tools Summary – (FREE with THIS BUNDLE)



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